“Everyone Says That”

Things Coaches Say…

"The kids in this area are soft"

"The kids in this area have no talent"

"The parents are the reason this child is not doing well."

"My students need to play more."

"Other programs in the area are horrible."

"Rankings aren’t important at this age."


Things Kids Say…

"I get bad draws."

"I know that I play three sports but I really want to be good at tennis.  It is my number one sport."

"I don’t want to lose because I will be embarrassed walking into the club next week."

"I do want to be a tournament player and play college tennis.  I just don’t want to give up my weekends."

"I could have been top-five in the East but I wanted to have a life."

" I didn’t really lose. I tanked."


Things Parents Say…

"I really think my child is going to make a big jump this year."

"My child is a great athlete."

"I know my son/daughter.  He/she is only going to get better by playing with better players."

"My child’s coach has a great connection into his top college."

"My child lost because he didn’t move his feet."

"My child’s previous coach really messed him up."

"I’m not like other tennis parents…."




March/April 2024 Digital Edition