USTA Eastern LI Region Officers Re-Elected

February 8, 2013 | By Long Island Tennis Magazine Staff

The USTA Eastern Long Island Region is pleased to announce that its slate of executive officers, headed by Daniel Burgess, president, has been re-elected to a second two-year term by the members of the Long Island Region. All officers and members of the Regional Board are volunteers.

In addition to Burgess, the Executive Board includes Mike Pavlides, vice president (as well as co-web site manager and scholastic representative chair/Nassau); Craig Fligstein, secretary/treasurer; and Scott Axler, immediate past president, who also serves as boys ranking chair, junior competition.

“By re-electing the Executive Board members to their positions for a new term, the many USTA members and member organizations across Nassau and Suffolk Counties have shown their support for the hard work being done by our entire Regional Board to continue and grow our relationships with the Long Island tennis community,” Burgess said. “We are gratified that the local community recognizes what we have been doing and supports our efforts. Our Regional Board members and other volunteers give a tremendous amount of their time and support to growing tennis on Long Island, be it through 10 & Under programs, adult leagues, school tennis and the many other programs fostered by the USTA. Our volunteers are the best in the country, and I appreciate all of their work to make our events the successes they have been.”

Burgess said that within the past two years, the Long Island Region has accomplished many goals and launched several successful initiatives including:

►Coordinated 10 & Under workshops at several street fairs and community events
►Made the annual Long Island Awards Dinner the envy of not only the Eastern Section, but all of USTA
►Increased grant opportunities for member organizations
►Provided financial and other support to facilities devastated by Superstorm Sandy
►Recognized and thanked members of our U.S. Military and their families through fundraisers and other events
►Expanded the Long Island Region Board and made it more diverse
►Re-designed our Web site and made it more inclusive of all member organizations, resulting in much higher Web traffic to the site
►Improved communication with member organizations and the tennis community through the establishment of a quarterly newsletter
►Hosted several hundred kids at Rally Day, featuring lessons from world pro Chanda Rubin
►Collected gently used tennis clothing and equipment for children in need
►Conducted training in CPR and the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at several facilities

“Moving forward, we are eager to continue to expand our relationships with the entire Long Island tennis community,” Burgess said. “We also encourage anyone with an interest in growing tennis locally to volunteer with us. We have many events and activities that need your help, and we are always looking for great new ideas. If you would like to volunteer, just e-mail your contact information to and someone will be in touch quickly.”

Long Island Tennis Magazine Staff

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